Tech/Knowledge, Inc.

Society of Telecommunications Consultants

Members shall maintain the highest standards of honesty and fair dealing toward their clients past and present, other members and the general public.

Members shall treat all information relating to the affairs of clients, obtained in the course of a consulting assignment as confidential.

Members shall not knowingly place themselves in a position in which their interests are, or may be, in conflict with those of any client.

Members are required to terminate any business or organization relationship which would require them to act in a manner inconsistent with the principles laid down in this Code.

Members shall inform their clients of any business connections, affiliations or interests of which the client would have a reasonable expectation to be made aware.

In performing service for a client, no member shall accept any fee, commission or other valuable consideration in connection with those services from anyone other than the client.

Prior to the commencement of services, members shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the client has a clear understanding of the scope and objectives of the work to be performed.

No member or Vendor Advisory Council member shall intentionally injure the professional reputation of another member, but members shall be required to inform the Society's Professional Conduct Committee of any violation or apparent violation of this code or of the Society's by-laws- by any member.

No member or Vendor Advisory Council member shall attempt to influence the professional judgment of any telecommunications consultant through the payment or offering of any fee, commission or valuable consideration.


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